West Middlesex University Hospital



Public Sector


Energy Efficiency

Reducing Energy Costs

Power Resilience


Voltage Optimisation

West Middlesex University Hospital is an acute NHS hospital in London.
The hospital offers all services including A&E, acute medicine, surgery and maternity services. The hospital recognises that they have a commitment to reduce their impact on the environment, and lower emissions.


Through discussions with other NHS estates, the hospital were aware of the potential emission savings voltage optimisation could offer, and sought a reliable supplier. Powerstar were able to demonstrate a long and successful history of previous voltage optimisation installations into both public and private healthcare estates.


Due to the 24/7 operation of the hospital and the critical nature of the operations on site, it was essential that any installation could be carried out with no affect to hospital operations. Furthermore, it was paramount that once installed the technology remained fail-safe, ensuring no disruption to the patient care services.


Powerstar was able to make savings on the modern, purpose-built site which already had a Building Management System (BMS), VSD’s and many other energy-saving devices installed throughout.
Annual emissions savings of
0 tonnes
And an 8.4% Saving in annual consumption

Contact us to see how we could help your organisation with its energy requirements