Palais Hotel


Retail and Leisure


Net Zero

Reducing Energy Costs

Energy Efficiency


Voltage Optimisation

The Palais is a newly renovated family hotel offering some of the most stylish and modern facilities along the Adelaide coastline.
Being in a beachside location, the Palais is a popular spot and has approximately 100 staff and a turnover of £4.1 million.


As a popular hotel along the southern Australian coastline, the Palais Hotel has high 24/7 energy usage from on-site equipment and appliances including refrigeration, computers, HVAC and lighting.

The hotel was looking to reduce its electricity costs and lessen its impact on the environment, while ensuring that guest experiences were not impacted by energy disruption. This meant it was important that not only could a selected technology option be installed efficiently without impact on guests, but that it also offered better energy resilience in the long term.


The Palais Hotel was introduced to Powerstar through Liberty Saver, the official distributor for Powerstar in the Northern Territory and South Australia.

Liberty Saver, along with Powerstar’s in-house expertise, established voltage optimisation as the optimal solution for the hotel. This technology not only reduces energy costs by lowering consumption, but also improved sustainability performance and bolstered resilience.

Before deciding on voltage optimsiation, the Palais Hotel conducted extensive investigations into the suitability of the technology before commissioning installation of a 288 kVA Powerstar system.


Since the installation the hotel has continued to monitor performance to confirm success of the investment. The solution has provided an average 10.5% saving on electricity consumption, with an annual saving for the hotel of £7.370. This means that the technology will pay for itself in less than three years.
0 %
Reduction in electricity consumption

“We are more than happy and pleased we made this investment. We are also glad we are making a contribution in the responsible use of Palais Hotel power.

You can see the Powerstar system is built with long-life materials, so are happy with the quality of the unit.

I have seen enough evidence to know that this is wise investment that we expect to pay for itself within three years.”

Bob Karpluk
General Manager, Palais Hotel

Contact us to see how we could help your organisation with its energy requirements